Great Reactions the Beyond the Garden in Ljubljana (New trailer available)
Susan Bickley in Beyond the Garden in Ljubljana
Now Available! YouTube Trailer for Beyond the Garden. Click here.
An expressionist musical substance, imbued with leading motifs and allusions, McNeff paints extremely subtly the impressions of the past mixed with the present and illusions. Aleksandra Gartnar, GLASNA
Aoife Mannix has built an intimate feeling that constantly oscillates between reality and illusion… T
The music clearly reflects the emotional states of the protagonists and a discreet but clearly expressed dramatic arc Tomaž Gržeta (Essay)
Composer McNeff creates a flowing musical phrase with compositional statements developed from short motives (they could also be called leading motives) as they accompany certain emotions and movements… The musical sentence is very free, but at the same time very understandable. Slovenia Radio 3 - DEJAN JURAVIĆ
Mezzo-soprano Susan Bickley, with her experienced playing and velvety singing, as light and self-evident as breathing, convincingly played the role of an aged adventurer with illusions and a bad conscience in the loneliness of the autumn of her life. Aleksandra Gartnar, GLASNA
Katja Konvalinka in Beyond the Garden in Ljubljana
Katja Konvalinka… a crystal voice, cold distance and turbulent emotional outbursts. Aleksandra Gartnar
With her words the music of Stephen McNeff naturally blended, whose musical language is free, complex, yet perfectly understandable and extremely telling. Tomaž Gržeta
Beyond the Garden is published by Peters Edition. The score can be viewed here. Check back for news of performances in the UK in 2021 & 2022.